viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Problem-Solution paragraph.

Global pollution is a problem which affects to all of us and can have terrible consequences. Always, but specially twentieth and twenty-first century, humans have been polluting the earth and we do nothing to solve it. We could reduce pollution by controlling CO2 emissions caused by petrol usage in factories and cars, but the problem is that petrol, nowadays, is one of the most important energy resources and it can't be limited or forbidden.
Another solution could be to investigate and discover new renovable energy resources, but they are very expensive and don't produce enough energy to be a real alternative, and finding such a powerful renovable resource would take very long.
I think the solution for that problem could be to use hybrid engines in cars, reducing that way the use of petrol, and use  natural gas as fuel in factories because it produces no wastes when it's burned, meanwhile new renovable and clean energy resources should be investigated.
Reducing, or even eliminate pollution is posible, but sometimes, enterprises are not interested in stop producing petrol because id the fuel which moves today's world and it's extremely well paid.

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Comparing text: Two brands, two stories, one pride.

In this text I'll compare the two principal motorcycles brands in my blog, Harley Davidson and Triumph. They're both great bike builders, they were based in 20th century and almost in the same year, but Triumph became famous instantly and Harley found it a bit more difficult, but another similarity is that they both distributed motorcycles during the World War I, Triumph at the beginning and Harley after the entrance of the United States in the champaign, this event economically helped both companies, however, Triumph couldn't be able to keep growing up and Japanese companies became more popular due to their low prizes, but Harley could compete them thanks to their quality.
The last similitude is that both brands produced racing models used in many competitions, that helped them to make a place in the market as two of the greatest brands ever.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

When he was Young. Description paragraph.

Today I'd like to leave the main subject of my blog on one side because of some news that I recently learned about, and which I couldn't overlook, the retirement of one of the greatest guitarists in the world due to some health problems. This is the story of Malcolm Young. Even though he was always under the shadow of his young brother Angus, AC/DC would have never had such a characteristic sound if it hadn't been for Malcolm. That's why he has become a reference for me, without being really noticed, he changed music histoy and the way many people thought about rock n roll. His generosity by giving his role of leading guitar to his younger brother Angus and all that it entails is for me an example of how music bands should be. Many of the intros or riffs that we all know like "Highway to Hell", "Thunderstruck" and an infinite list of songs were written by him, songs which are now on our imaginary. On stage his guitar was always second best, but in the backstage he was the leader and who took important decisions, paradoxically he had "the singer voice". This is not the first time he hags out his guitar, in 1988, after Brian Scott's death, he became aware of his alcochol addiction and decided to take a break untill he overcame it, he came back the following year. Today, at 61 years old his retirement becomes final due to dementia, and he's now at a famous residence in Sydney. I hope people to respect the privacy of one of the Rock's Hall of Fame members because it's a really hard disease and him to take it as well as posible. Thanks.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

New triumph models!!

For those days I was visiting Triumph's web page looking for something to write when something called my attention, an special model of the Triumph Thruxton, something was different in that bike, it wasn't like the rest so I decided to investigate.
The Triumph Thruxton is inspired in the sixties, on an american bikes called 'coffee racers', they was called that way because they were used to race from coffee to coffee along the old roads like the route 66. They were very modified bikes prepared to reach a high speed in a short time and make a lot of noise, they used to be single-seater, making the bike more aerodynamic.
Putting all this together we get a babulous bike which mixes the sound, shape and style of coffee racers with the reliability and quality of a great brand as Triumph, making this bike one of the best ones.