jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Introduction and conclusion. Internet VS conventional media.

     TV, radio and and many other media have recently lost much credibility and their popularity, either because of their lack of variety, fake news sold as true facts, or just because you're fed up with watching commercial after commercial.
Internet has many advantages that traditional media doesn't, and for the first time, in 2013 Online investment beat to the TV one in the USA, and in 2014 such an important news paper as The New York Times, was overtaken by other similar papers on the web.

Body (I'll upload this in a later post).

     In summary, internet offers many advantages over conventional media. Flexibility, variety, free opinions, debates, more simple, no manipulation, freshness, younger, and simply, more human, are aspects that characterize internet, it avoids super-productions and TV sets, so it's closer to the masses, and in consequence, more popular. Unlike before, mouth to mouth distribution is over and now people have 360º vision and we can choose, so now it's your turn to decide how you want to be informed, I've already made my choice.

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Outline of an essay. New technologies applied to transports

I. Electric vehicles have always had many difficulties to enter in the market.

II. Electric cars have been made.
          A. Now they're closer to the population.
          B. They are becoming very popular.
          C. They have many advantages.
1. Ecologicaly-friendly.
2. Comfortable driving.
3. Reliability. 

III. The first electrical motorcycles are being made.
A. They have the support of one of the best motorbike enterprises.
              1. It can be the first of a new production line.
              2. It can compete with any other fuel-powered motorbike.
              3. If this motorbike becomes popular, other brands will produce their own ones.

IV. Conclusion. Electric vehicles are better than traditional ones and it's about time that we supply them gradually because of their advantages.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Essay. Opinion paragraph.

                                             New technologies applied to transports
     For years, many brands have tried to introduce electric vehicles, but with no success, because big enterprises weren't interested in those projects, but now, electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular due to their low prizes and because they're more economical in the long term. Although fuel-powered vehicles control the market nowadays, electric vehicles are taking advantage over them, and they are making the bases of what transports will be in the future.

     Not long time ago, small cars that could take two or even three people all around the city with an only battery charge were created, but many countries refused to introduce them, but now, great grands as Renault, Toyota and even BMW have created their own electric vehicles line, making them closer to the population. Those cars combine the ecological engine and the comfort of an electric car with the reliability of great brand names.

     But not only cars' industry can build electric vehicles, recently, such a great brand as Harley-Davidson has created their first all-electric motorbike, the Harley-Davidson Livewire. Actually, it's just a project where the brand invites Harley owners to try their latest creation around the american geography, but it's also an excellent way to convince people of how an electric vehicle can be as good, or even better, as a traditional one. If this project finish successfully, Harley Davidson will start producing those bikes massively as one of their bikes.

     In conclusion, electric vehicles offer reliability, low cost, great comfort, they produce no sound and eliminate pollution, it renews the market and offer new possibilities to expand and grow enterprises that will employ people and that would help to the economy. But if you still think that this is just a fashion and you're asking yourself why electric vehicles and not fuel powered ones, I'd tell you that we left Middle Age not because of a fashion, but because of the introduction of improvements.