jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Introduction and conclusion. Internet VS conventional media.

     TV, radio and and many other media have recently lost much credibility and their popularity, either because of their lack of variety, fake news sold as true facts, or just because you're fed up with watching commercial after commercial.
Internet has many advantages that traditional media doesn't, and for the first time, in 2013 Online investment beat to the TV one in the USA, and in 2014 such an important news paper as The New York Times, was overtaken by other similar papers on the web.

Body (I'll upload this in a later post).

     In summary, internet offers many advantages over conventional media. Flexibility, variety, free opinions, debates, more simple, no manipulation, freshness, younger, and simply, more human, are aspects that characterize internet, it avoids super-productions and TV sets, so it's closer to the masses, and in consequence, more popular. Unlike before, mouth to mouth distribution is over and now people have 360º vision and we can choose, so now it's your turn to decide how you want to be informed, I've already made my choice.

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