jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014

Práctica evaluable 4. Opinion essay.

     Almost everybody sees the Internet as a secondary media, something doubtful and that you can't trust, and that same people also think that TV, radio and press will continue as we know them nowadays for many years.

     TV and radio, but specially TV have recently evolved in order to be able to compete on the web's field. Smart TVs and many other improvements, in my opinion, useless, have been developed just because the Internet has started to overtake the TV industry, but not everybody know this. This is just one of the reasons that make me think of the TV's decadency era.

     Otherwise, radio has known how to get older, when you're second-best, you're always looking for ways to get better and reach the first place, this is known with the term "underdog", but the one who is in the first place, usually gets relaxed, stops innovating and generally gets worse, and that's exactly what has happened, the radio started offering its services on the web, keeping that way their listeners, but TV didn't and now it's too late. That's a very valuable factor in enterprises' economy called adaptation capacity. Another fact that makes me think of the TV's decadency is that, for the first time, in 2013 online investment overcame to the TV one in the USA, and this tendency is still like this.

     I think that, still today, the internet is a brute diamond, there are many things that we haven't already discovered about it, things that would surprise us for sure, and in my opinion, it represents future today.

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